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A Guide to Capturing Unforgettable Awkward Wedding Photos

A Guide to Capturing Unforgettable Awkward Wedding Photos

As a wedding photographer, have you ever wondered how to capture the newly-wed couple in a creative and fun-filled way? You can try taking awkward wedding photos! Not all weddings have to be serious. Embracing the unconventional is not a bad idea. With awkward wedding images, photographers can learn how to inject playfulness into the shots on the wedding day. And for those couples who are just camera shy, awkward wedding shots can make them feel relaxed. But how do you take these photos? Is there anything specific to pay attention to during the photoshoot process? In this blog, we will round out some of the most creative awkward wedding photography ideas. And we will also equip you with essential tips to help you navigate it. Read on, and you will discover how to capture awkward but authentic images.

A Guide to Capturing Unforgettable Awkward Wedding Photos

Top Five Ideas for Awkward Wedding Photos

We know taking awkward wedding photos is not that easy. To get you started, here are five creative ideas to inspire you for the perfect goofy wedding shot. Read on, and find out.

Funny Dance Moves

No wedding is complete without a dance floor. When the couple and guests are showcasing their dance skills, you will want to be vigilantly on the lookout for those hilariously awkward dance moves. It is a great chance for you to capture awkward wedding photos that will be priceless! Maybe they attempt to mimic the latest TikTok trend, or maybe someone has poor coordination while dancing. Prepare yourself and use a longer lens to zoom in on the action. It will allow you to snap photos without disrupting the fun. By capturing these moments successfully, you can transform these awkward dance moves into memorable artwork.

Funny Dance Moves of wedding photos

The Bride and Groomsmen

The dynamic between the bride and groomsmen can often lead to cringe-worthy photo opportunities. As the wedding photographer, you can definitely utilize this inherent awkwardness. It is highly recommended that you encourage the bride to pose boldly with the groomsmen. For example, the bride playing as the superhero is one of the creative poses. When you are shooting, you’d better pay close attention to the body language and facial cues of both the bride and groomsmen. With the clear direction and a keen eye for comedic timing, you will immortalize these playful moments, and create delightfully funny wedding photos.

The Bride and Groomsmen awkward wedding photos

Awkward Wedding Photos of the Couple

Why not try to take awkward wedding shots of the couple at the celebratory moment? You can encourage the couple to experiment with goofy and unconventional poses, or provide playful direction to help them make funny faces! Awkward photos can not only embody the character but also showcase their dynamic. As the wedding photographer, you can have them try stiff posture, forced smiles, and side-eyeing glances in the celebratory atmosphere. These charmingly awkward images will be treasured by the couple for years to come.

Awkward Wedding Photos of the Couple

The Groom Squad

When capturing wedding shots, do not forget about the groom squad. The groom and his groomsmen can make for a particularly ripe source of comedic gold. You can encourage the groom’s squad to let their guard down and direct them to strike some exaggerated poses. When the groom squad is engaging in playful physical interactions, it will be a great chance for you to capture a memorable moment for their friendship. Remember that the key is to create a lighthearted and judgment-free environment. That is how you get everyone to feel comfortable in front of the camera.

The Groom Squad wedding photoshoot

The Funny Sign

It is definitely a great idea to incorporate humor into a funny sign. The contrast between the formal wedding attire and the informal signage will always create photographic opportunities. Remember to seize the right timing, and you will bring out the full comedic effect with the sign.

Incorporate a  Funny Sign into your awkward wedding photos.

Top Four Tips for Taking Awkward Wedding Photography

There are many things at the wedding venue that require your attention. However, you are sure to capture stunning wedding photos by keeping the following four tips in mind. Read on to learn about what you need to do and what you better not do. You will be well on your way.

Have Open Communication with the Couple

Communicating matters a lot. It is highly recommended that you have a detailed and honest discussion with the couple beforehand. So you will get to know their tastes or preferences. If they have any specific ideas for awkward wedding photoshoot, you can make preparations in advance. Besides, open communication will help you gauge their comfort level and receptiveness. You won’t really make them feel awkward during the shooting process.

Build Rapport with the Couple

A strong rapport with the couple will make your shooting process go smoothly. You can spend some time getting to know the newlyweds before the big day, and thus establish a comfortable and trusting relationship with them. During the wedding day, try to continue an open and playful dialogue with the couple. Offer plenty of encouragement and positive feedback as they experiment with goofy poses and scenarios. When you make them feel comfortable, it will be easier to get your work done.

Build Rapport with the Wedding Couple

Do Not Disrupt the Flow

A wedding photographer needs to value the natural flow of the wedding event. It’s essential to avoid becoming a distraction. Your goal should be to blend seamlessly into the background, observing the couple and their guests with a keen eye for spontaneous interactions. Just keep in mind that the wedding day has its own rhythm, and the right moment will unfold itself. Be ready to spot any opportunity for capturing funny wedding pictures, and always resist the urge to manipulate the scene. In doing so, you will preserve the authenticity of the awkward, personality-infused moments with charming images.

Do Not Force Humor

Forced humor is not real humor. Your role as the wedding photographer is to observe, recognize, and celebrate what naturally happens, not to force the funny moments. You can provide gentle, lighthearted prompts that encourage the couple and guests to loosen up and embrace their own unique quirks and personalities. Why not try to create a comfortable environment and let their guard down? The best funny wedding photos will emerge organically when you are doing that. Let the humor flow naturally from you and your guests, and you will deliver the best possible results.

Do Not Force Humor during the wedding photo session.

And there you have it, our top awkward wedding photography ideas and tips to help you navigate this task. Capturing unforgettable awkward wedding photos can be challenging. It requires creativity, empathy, and patience from the photographer. Next time when you are shooting awkward photos at a wedding, remember to try some funny posing and use some amusing props. With the right approach, you can deliver awkward, funny wedding images that will be cherished by the newlyweds for years to come.

You can deliver your stunning awkward wedding photos to your clients with a client photo gallery. With Zno Gallery™, the newlyweds can share, download, and purchase their images with ease. Sign up for a free account and create an online photo gallery to impress your clients!

Create a wedding photo gallery and deliver your awkward wedding photos to your clients.